Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Science in Instructional and Performance Technology


Instructional and Performance Technology

Major Advisor

Seung Youn Chyung, Ph.D.


Donald J. Winiecki, Ph.D.


The purpose of this evaluation study was to explore how a non-profit health insurance provider responds to the results of its annual employee engagement survey. According to most definitions, an engaged employee is a high-quality performer who takes personal responsibility to work toward the success of the organization. This study was designed to answer three questions: (1) What do leaders at HealthXYZ do with the data collected from the annual employee engagement survey? (2) How do leaders perceive the usefulness of the annual employee engagement survey? (3) What actions, if any, do leaders take as a result of the data collected from the annual employee engagement survey? It is worth pointing out that this study was not intended to identify strategies for enhancing employee engagement or even to thoroughly understand the concept of engagement. Rather, the focus was to explore how the findings from the engagement survey were used and perceived by HealthXYZ leaders and why, with the ultimate goal of making recommendations to help the organization maximize the benefits of conducting this survey.

The first phase of data collection consisted of unstructured interviews with 11 division heads and 12 supervisors within HealthXYZ. The second phase of data collection consisted of an online questionnaire completed by 67 supervisors and managers, which was developed based on the analysis of the interview data.

The primary recommendation from this study is for HealthXYZ to create a comprehensive communication plan around their employee engagement initiative. Recommendations for the specific components of this communication plan are based on the findings and conclusions related to the research questions. The recommendations from this study are transferable to other organizations to help them get the most out of their organizational surveys – whether they are designed to measure engagement or another aspect of organizational health. Considering that surveys are a common tool in analyzing a performance problem or opportunity, the recommendations from this study are relevant to human performance technology (HPT) practitioners, as these recommendations can be carried out as interventions to maximize the value of an organizational survey.
