Mini- and Micro- Channel Devices in Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics

Publication Date


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering

Major Advisor

Amy Moll


The miniaturization of analytical instruments and packaging of novel sensors is an area that has attracted significant research interest and offers many opportunities for product commercialization. Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) is a materials system composed of alumina and glass in an organic binder. LTCC is a good choice for sensor development because of the ease of incorporating features in the 'green' or unfired state such as electrical traces, fluidic pathways and passive electrical components. After a firing cycle, what remains is a robust, monolithic device with features embedded in the package. In order for LTCC to be a successful medium for small scale sensors or lab-in-package devices, fluid flow through channels and inlet/outlet ports must be perfected. Device inlet/outlet ports have been demonstrated by embedding sapphire tubes in LTCC, allowing external connections using compression fittings. This research presents different methods of channel and cavity fabrication through the use of sacrificial carbon tapes and pastes. A field flow fractionation device used for separating or concentrating constituent components in a fluid and a multi-electrode electrochemical cell are featured as integral components to the successful implementation of a lab-in-package device.

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