Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Masters of Arts in Criminal Justice


Criminal Justice

Major Advisor

Lisa Growette Bostaph, Ph.D.


Andrew Giacomazzi, Ph.D.


Geoffrey Black, Ph.D.


Whether the nature of policing services allows for economies of scale to be realized is an important question for police departments for reasons of both cost and efficiency. This study replicates the methodology used by Southwick (2005) to estimate police production and demand in order to determine whether there are economies of scale among police departments in Idaho. Southwick's (2005) method is unique in that it incorporates measures of market power to predict police efficiency. The present study is unique in that it involves data from a low density, low population western state. Southwick's results for New York State are markedly different from the results found for Idaho, thus the external validity of Southwick's model as applied to a relatively low population state is questionable. The findings also indicate that, controlling for relevant variables, crime in Idaho is highly correlated with population, suggesting that Idaho police departments would not achieve efficiency gains through consolidation.
