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Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Eric Landrum


I analyzed the relationship between self-perceived religiosity and the prevalence of risky behaviors. The risky behaviors being measured included promiscuous sex, binge drinking, and recreational drug use. There were One hundred and eighteen participants who participated in the study by answering survey questions concerning the prevalence of their participation in risky behaviors as well as there church participation and perception of their religiosity. I predicted that there would be negative correlations between the defined risky behaviors and self-perceived religiosity. The survey information was then input into a statistical analysis program to gather data. After interpreting the data, it was found that there was a significant negative relationship between self perceived religiosity and binge drinking. The same significant negative correlation was found between self-perceived religiosity and promiscuous sex. A significant negative correlation was also found between self perceived religiosity and recreational drug use. This indicates that the more religious an individual perceives himself or herself to be, the less likely they are to participate in risky behaviors. I continued utilizing the data to suggest that the presence of a religious identity can greatly reduce risky behaviors. I then made suggestions for potential action and reform in society to offset the prevalence of risky behaviors.
