



Agricultural Economics


Determining how agriculture will be affected by climate change is not only a question biophysical change in crop production; it also depends on the adaptation of the farmer to these changing conditions. A flaw in models using nationally aggregated cross sectional data is that the adaptive capacity of unique farms is not captured in the analysis. In order to understand the local effect of climate change on welfare models must capture attributes specific to the study area. Factors that must be taken into consideration include farm characteristics local policy and institutional frameworks (Antle et al. 2004; Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw 1994). This study looks at weather and crop characteristic specific to Idaho agriculture by utilizing county data over a fifty year period. This approach captures local conditions, although adaptation under climate change is hard to determine because of the prevalence of advanced adaptation techniques, such as irrigation and cultivation technology, across all farm sizes.

Abstract Format



Faculty Mentor

Dr. Kelly Cobourn