Mary Evelyn “Evie” Smith
Mary Evelyn “Evie” Smith was born in Washington DC in 1942, but grew up in Arlington, VA. She identified as a lesbian feminist. Smith moved to Idaho to participate in a maternal infant care program after becoming pregnant. During her time in Idaho, Smith has worked as a barmaid at Shuckey’s and in many different capacities for the state until her retirement in 2002. She is one of the founding members of The Community Center. She discusses the challenges of the gay community from the 1977 Boise Police Department lawsuit to the No On One Campaign. After having received many accolades for her service in the gay community in Boise, Evie is now approaching a retirement from activism.
Stonewall, Brian Fisher, The American Family Association, Boise Police Department, Flying M coffeehouse, No Nudity Legislation, Shuckey’s, Pride parade
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This material is copyrighted by Special Collections and Archives, Boise State University
Community-Based Research | Gender and Sexuality | History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Sociology | United States History | Women's Studies