Powerful Tools for Caregivers: An Analysis of Program Effectiveness and Impact
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Sarah Toevs
This project consists of analyzing three years of information from participants involved in the Powerful Tools for Caregivers program sponsored by Friends in Action. Friends in Action is a local, non-profit organization. Part of their mission is to advocate for individuals who provide necessary care for their family members. "Powerful Tools for Caregivers" is a program that includes a series of workshops designed to offer information and resources to support caregivers. The purpose of this presentation is to report on the perceived impact and effectiveness of "Powerful Tools for Caregivers." Three years of pre and post survey data describes participants’ satisfaction with and perceived impact from the program.
Recommended Citation
Lui, Judy, "Powerful Tools for Caregivers: An Analysis of Program Effectiveness and Impact" (2014). College of Health Sciences Presentations. 8.