Ensuring the Health of Active and Athletic Girls and Women

Ensuring the Health of Active and Athletic Girls and Women



This book serves as a comprehensive and contemporary resource for coaches, athletes, administrators, students and educators who are interested in improving the health of girls and women who participate in sport or recreational activities. The book is organized into three major sections: correlates of participation in physical activity and sport, and physiological and psychological issues related to healthy sport and physical activity participation for girls and women. In addition to updated information about each topic covered, each chapter contains a glossary of important terms and a list of questions for discussion.

The topic areas for the book include: (1) Factors related to physical activity and sport participation for girls and women; (2) Exercise and bone density; (3) Nutrition and the female athlete; Physical activity and breast cancer; (4) Preventing ACL injuries; (5) Masters’ women athletes; (6) Exercise and pregnancy; (7) Body composition testing and the female athlete; (8) The female athlete triad; (9) Eating disorders (Prevalence, Prevention and Treatment Issues); (10) Body image for active females; (11) Sport identity, physical self-perception, and sport participation; (12) The social psychology of leisure; (13) The impact of heterosexism and homonegativism on female athletes.





Publication Date



Reston, VA

Ensuring the Health of Active and Athletic Girls and Women
