Booster Pump Station Design, Taylor Avenue, Moscow, Idaho
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
April 2016
Faculty Sponsor
Mandar Khanal
The purpose of this project is to replace the booster pump station located on Taylor Avenue, in Moscow, Idaho. The major components of the project include: research into the process involved in selecting replacement, above-ground pumps, soil analysis and foundation design, the design of a new single-story structure to house the new pumps, and the design of new vehicle accesses and parking area. The soil analysis includes a topographic survey of the soil structure and the properties of the soil. The booster pump station design includes a variety of options for pumps, available from multiple manufacturers. The single-story structure is designed to house the pumps and electrical equipment. It is constructed of reinforced masonry walls, concrete slab floor, and pre-engineered truss roof. Some of the critical components for the structural analysis are seismic and wind per ASCE 7-10, dead loads and live loads, and foundation design. The transportation design consists of cross sections, horizontal and vertical alignments, and drainage plans for the proposed pump station location. The required makeup of the asphalt layer will be determined according to Idaho Transportation Department code.
Recommended Citation
Hughes, Joslynn; Aldawghan, Ahmed; Basalem, Fahad; Dulal, Tika; Hughes, Joslynn; and Schroeder, Allan, "Booster Pump Station Design, Taylor Avenue, Moscow, Idaho" (2016). 2016 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference. Paper 21.