Economic Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Michail Fragkias and Liz Paul
Stormwater infrastructure is traditionally used as a method of conveyance. When it rains, when snow or ice melts municipalities entrust their stormwater management strategies perform the necessary functions to avoid polluting their rivers or extreme flooding. Green stormwater infrastructure does all of this and more. Economic benefits such as increased number of green jobs and positive effects on real estate make green stormwater infrastructure an attractive choice for urban areas. This research aims to answer pertinent economic questions that will arise naturally when new techniques such as this are implemented. What will happen to housing values? What benefits will be seen in the long run vs the short run? Green stormwater infrastructure has quickly become a popular and efficient method to improve stormwater management systems in urban areas around the country. As opposed to traditional “grey” stormwater infrastructure, green infrastructure performs its duties by mimicking the natural hydrological functions of the earth. Implementing green stormwater management strategies can enhance existing grey infrastructure or could be exist as a standalone project. The suite of strategies available makes green stormwater infrastructure a viable option for communities of all types. Research has shown that this green method of stormwater management improves aesthetics of urban areas, increases recreation, improves the environment, is more cost effective and ultimately provides a greater number of benefits than traditional stormwater management. No matter the climate, stormwater management is essential and performs many functions that aren’t known to the general public. Green stormwater management performs these functions the best and goes beyond conveyance to do so.
Recommended Citation
Perrone, Breanna, "Economic Benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure" (2015). College of Business and Economics Presentations. 4.