Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Jeffrey Johnson


Through the observation of infrasound signal, it is possible to determine the status of an open/closed vent volcanic system. In this study, twenty-four hour long infrasound signals from four receivers located ~3.5 km away from Showa Crater are utilized in characterizing the time distribution between eruption events at Sakurajima volcano in Japan. The application of filtering, stacking, correlation, and comparison of receivers highlights vent activity among other sources of infrasound. Presented are various methods and procedures used in determination of vent status. Simplification of this system to a binary signal of open or closed vent status allows for the probability distribution of interevent time durations to be modeled. Benefits of modelling the time distribution of hazardous events are to maintain safety among nearby communities and to further the communal understanding of the Earth as a system. In further application, these model parameters can be applied to probabilistic determination of impending eruption events as well as a reference for monitoring changes in the system.
