
iHSP Josua: Digital Intertextual Comparison


Joe GreenFollow

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date

April 2016

Faculty Sponsor

Karen Wadley


This eBook translation marks the completion of the first stage in a research project examining textual influence on policy makers, specifically addressing the depiction of genocide in Peter Comestor’s abridgment of the book of Joshua for its potential impact on the Albigensian Crusade (1209 – 1229) and subsequent Hundred Years War.

The comparative process consisted of first transcribing Boise State’s copy of the Historia Scholastica and critiquing that transcription in relation to the 1543 Lugduni, the University of Iowa, Harvard’s PL198, MSWett F9, and the St. Gallen Stiftsbibliothek Cod Sang. 620 copies. Finally, the composite text was translated with notations on the similarities and differences observed in the critique.

While this comparison of university texts yielded inconclusive results in their significance in influencing policy makers of the time, this first stage has produced an accurate, readable and modern English translation for general and scholarly audiences that compares Boise State’s copy of Historia Scholastica to extant manuscripts, satisfying the secondary objective of the Historia Scholastica Project.

Future stages of the project will focus on accessing and examining legal and civil documents from the period for any signs of influence. The eBook is scheduled for publication using iTunesU in Summer 2016.

This document is currently not available here.
